opportunity to share their lives with you.
You may say,” yeah,
yeah” and dismiss this, but if you would have been with me last week while I
was visiting with the resident I have built a relationship with through Betty
Brewer’s Angels, …..if you would have been with me…. and seen the tears in the
eyes of a woman using a walker who paused in front of us to say how she wished
her family or friends wanted to visit with her, you would not dismiss this Gift of You so easily.
Wrobbel the host of the Journey Through Aging radio show, has asked Betty
Brewer’s Angels to share ideas about gift giving and the holidays in general in
brief segments during the month of December.
Journey Through Aging is on every Saturday, 8 am to 9 am on radio
station WRFD 880 AM. If you live in an
area that does not receive this show you can listen to it live on their web
site www.journeythroughaging.org. While at their site, look around! They
have a great web site with an abundance of information. It is one of my
favorite web sites!
If you know of anyone that would be interested in
making a difference in someone’s life by volunteering to spend one hour per
week establishing a one-on-one relationship with a resident living in a long
term care facility, please contact me. 614-309-4677 or