The resident I have visited with for over 2 years, recently heard from two physicians words none of us ever want to hear. The doctor who did her colonoscopy, “You have a malignant tumor” Then several weeks later her surgeon, “The cancer has spread and we could not get it all.” I was present during both pronouncements. Immediately, because I am a “fix it” type of person, I wanted to….well, fix it. But obviously I couldn't.
So then I thought if
I could say just the right words I could at least fix how she felt. Even I knew I was wrong about that. So I
talked to the surgeon, my pastor, and I prayed. Boy, did I pray to please,
please if she could not be cured, to please show me how I can help her.
I remember saying to myself, “Listen” and “Recognize the problem” A week passed and I started wondering why I knew to do the above, when it occurred to me that I took a workshop in 2010 at Westminster-Thurber’s ( "Tools For the Servant” workshop based on the book by Ph.D. Kenneth C. Haugk , “Don’t Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart, How to Relate to Those Who Are Suffering.”
(The title is taken from Proverbs 25:20 “Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.)
excellent presentation at the workshop was by Joanne Foster. Thankfully that workshop stayed with me,
even if I didn't remember immediately where I learned it. Initially I thought I would share some of
the suggestions presented by Ms. Foster with our volunteers, but then decided it
was important advice for everyone.
Here they are:
Listen: Be quiet and follow their lead, Focus o
them, NEVER share horror stories. Listening is the closest thing to a magic
bullet in your care skills.
Love and Care are
Actions: Send cards and notes, Make phone calls, Ask questions, Use humor
carefully, Share reading materials, Assure people of God’s love
Words that hurt and NEVER should be used: I know how you
feel, It’s for the best, Keep a stiff upper lip, At least……, You
This brave resident whom I have had the privilege of
visiting is not an educated person, but she is a Christian. She doesn't recite
Bible verses. I don’t even know if she has ever read the Bible, but she
believes in Jesus and she lives her faith. She has had more tragedy in her life
than you can imagine, but she is unwavered in her faith.. So after her initial shock and recovery from
surgery I reminded her that no matter what humans say or think, God has a plan
for us and He will take care of us. She
replied, heartily, “OH I KNOW!” Then she told me a visiting pastor once sang
her the song “His Eye is on the Sparrow” and it is her favorite hymn.
“I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me”
She said “You know He watches me too.” I agreed.
I printed out the words to that song with some graphics and today she
asked me to hang it on her wall.
People often say to
our volunteers what a wonderful thing we are doing but I want you all to know
that we receive much more than we ever give. We learn about bravery and faith
and love from the residents we visit.
If you have a caring heart and want to learn more about BBA,
please contact me, Cheryl L. Newman at