the first question people ask me after “Just what is Betty Brewer’s Angels?” is
“How did Betty Brewer’s Angels come about?” The inspirational answer to that question can be heard by clicking on this link:
But what people do not know is the daily struggle it took
to make the Betty Brewer's Angels a reality.
Many times it would have been easier to quit then to go forward. To encourage myself, whenever I would read
something that I thought would help me carry on I taped it to my wall by my computer. As the years passed, many things besides
inspirational sayings got taped to that wall. A mess!
Not wanting the bulletin board to morph into the mess the
taped papers were on the wall, I decided to retype all the sayings onto one
piece of paper that helped me go forward when I wanted to quit.
So many lives have been changed for the
better because of the work of Betty
Brewer’s Angels volunteers. Our volunteers shared many stories at our
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon and I will be sharing them with you in upcoming
blogs but for right now I am just happy we did not give up on our mission
before it became a reality.
So here are mine:
does not happen in a day, or a week, but it grows with each decision you make
when you make a positive choice instead of a negative one.
A person who wants something will find a way...A person who doesn’t will find an excuse.
Bear with one another, and forgive whatever
grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13
Don’t worry about failing. He is with you and His Spirit will love through you. Jesus would never ask you to do something you are not qualified to do. Step out in faith. <--This one I read every single day!
Recognize the other words, ID what is wrong.
Remind myself of a solution...Find a solution, a better way
Remain...committed to the solution and therefore the weekly what it takes!
And last but not least: PRAYER WORKS!!!!
I would love to receive any special quotes that have helped you!
Please leave a comment on this blog or email me at
If you have a caring
heart, we would love to talk to you about becoming a BBA volunteer. We have men
and women volunteers.