Monday, June 25, 2012

What is a Friend?

My uncle sent me this video with the following message because it reminded him of the work Betty Brewer’s Angels do:
We have all at one time or another seen a need and didn’t have the time or didn’t know them or they were not important to us or we just were not interested to do what we knew was needed. The next time that happens remember this turtle and do what you can to help. God gave us a bigger brain than a turtle but do we have a bigger heart?” (just click on the little arrow button to play)

Betty Brewer’s Angels purposefully chose a resident who has little or no visits from friends or family and then establish a friendship with that person by our weekly visits with only them. We are interested in them and their life. 

If you or someone you know would like to share one-hour of your life each week to establish a relationship with a person in a long-term care facility who has no one visiting with them, please contact me.