Monday, June 8, 2015


Anyone that knows my sweet dog, Sugar, knows she lives to play catch. Nothing trumps catching a thrown tennis ball to Sugar. Not squirrels in the yard, not treats, nothing.  It is her Joy. She was created for it.

Well, this wet weather posed some problems for Sugar. You see, she does not like to get her feet muddy. She would stand by the back door with the tennis ball in her mouth making crying noises and looking to me to make the rain going away.   Once she realized even her all powerful human (smiling here) could not make that happen, she finally decided to just go for it and ran out in the rain to play catch. No more crying by the door, she just bounds out and enjoys life. 

Sugar reminded me that sometimes due to life circumstances that humans cannot control, we have to accept the “mud on our feet”, and pursue our joy anyway. 

Are you pursuing your joy in spite of the mud on your feet? Sugar found the mud did not matter as much as the delight.   I hope you make that discovery too. 

Are you afraid the mud on your feet will make it impossible to volunteer with Betty Brewer’s Angels and to experience the joy of seeing a resident’s face light up when you come into their room every week? We have volunteers on walkers, some who can’t drive, some with major health concerns…….the mud on their feet has not stopped them.       

Two residents whose lives have been brightened by Betty Brewer's Angels Volunteers

Maybe you are afraid you are not the right type of person to volunteer.  Some of you may not know that when Betty Brewer first told me her plan was to return (to the long term care facility she was in while awaiting for surgery) to visit with people she noticed did not have anyone visiting with them that my response was “Good for you, Betty. Nothing I am qualified to do, but good for you.”   You see, I did not think I was the “right type.”

 As some of you know, Betty did not live to have her surgery, but here I am five years later leading a group of the most wonderful volunteers fulfilling Betty’s wishes in not one but in many long term care facilities. I would never have known the joy of brightening lives of people who thought no one cared for them, if I did not step out in the rain and get my feet muddy.

How about you?  If you are interested in learning more about Betty Brewer’s Angels, please email me at or phone me at 614-309-4677.  I assure you there is no “special type” of volunteer. We all just bring our best selves, muddy feet and all.